Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Finish!!!

WOW can I just say that I am so happy with how this turned out....thanks to each and everyone who donated I am able to give a check over $700 to BOTH the relay and my oncologist for the kids....

Our local relay was held on June 13, and I was chosen to be the guest speaker.  We had wonderful weather at least it wasn't raining until we cleaned up...

That aside I feel that this experience has helped me to grow and learn that if you put your mind to something good things will follow.

Don't forget to check out the amazing adventures of Skullernia over at the Polka Dot Ranch  who knows you just might see your name mentioned....you never know where my next character will come from...

Much thanks and love to each of you...

Cole Bethel
AKA the polka dot kid...

I was suppose to give about a 5 minute speech well turns out
to be closer to 9 minutes but no one noticed and it must have
hit home with many as I received my first standing ovation!
VERY COOL!!!  my sister taped my speech so once its posted 
I will put up on my facebook along with my mom and dad I am sure will
link to it too.
Again thanks everyone!!!!